Monday, September 6, 2010

My first post and The Hunger games!!!

To put it straight, I am a huge Hunger Games fan! You would not believe how excited I was to hear the newest (not to mention the last of the triology!) had come out and how disappointed I was that I spent all of my money the day before, so I had to wait to get my money in for the week but it was beyond sold out when I got my money and went to the shops!

Luckily, one of my teachers (might I add my favourite as well?) had bought the book and remember that I was starting my blog and need to start it off with something good, so.... She leant me her newly bought copy that she had not even read yet! Just so I could read it! Now, if you have ever seen an excited over-hyperactive squirrel who just recieved an item of it's dreams (probably an acorn), you could imagine how excited I was but I am a little less hairy and a tad bit taller. Oh and I have no tail, just to clear that up.

Being so excited and all, I made a decision (yes that's right, I made it!) to make my first ever book blog post about...Drum roll please!!!......On the Hunger Games triology! Can I get a whoop whoop?! So to start off with tomorrow night (sorry has to be tomorrow, I am over-booked tonight with homework, dinner, Tv and sleeping) I will give my review on the Hunger Games, then the next night (or possibly the night after that because I need to re-read it) Hunger Games-Catching Fire! (Burn Baby! Burn!) and then, of course, the long awaited Hunger Games Mockingjay!!

p.s. Yes I've noticed that I have a slightly crazed and pathetic sense of humour but don't be a hater, it's a bad look on everybody! :D


  1. i love BOOKS and not just any BOOKS i love the hunger games mmm ya mmm not kinding ive read ech of those BOOKS 345 times.. Im not joking.... i told you i love BOOKS. and i love that word BOOKS :D cant wait until next weeks post.

    With love from that awesome person who still think you should have named it biggy small xx

  2. hehe yay go Naomi and THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! the twins suggested i read hunger games but i'd forgotten what it was called and as soon as i saw it i was like WOOP WOOP hmm yeah oh and i have a bok or 28 you should read! the first is called wings by aprilynne pike the second is Spells the sequal to wings. then the other 26 are the fruits basket series (they're manga) but they are AMAZING books and i wasn't joking about the 26 either there are 26 books in the series but it only takes two days at the most to read :) haha oh and you should review...drum roll please...WILDWOOD DANCING!!!!! hahaha i am obsessed! KYO!!!
